Commercial & Institutional
Our services help clients looking to optimize their energy use in the commercial and institutional sectors.
Whether you’re the Chief Engineer, a Planner, or Facilities Manager, if your job involves technical building services or energy supply systems, you rely on quality products to supply and remove heat and cold as and when necessary. Distributed solutions for heat production, for instance, which can be generated using fossil fuels, fuels from renewable resources, or from waste heat represent an important instrument for achieving climate protection targets.
Reyco Sales is a subject matter expert with in-depth knowledge of heat transfer solutions, engineered products, and energy conservation strategies to help you succeed in achieving your goals.
Did You Know?
Return Condensate to the Boiler
An attractive method of improving your power plant’s energy efficiency is to increase the condensate return to the boiler. Returning hot condensate to the boiler makes sense for several reasons. As more condensate is returned, less make-up water is required, saving fuel, makeup water, and chemicals and treatment costs. The energy in the condensate can be more than 10% and up to 25% of the total steam energy content of a typical system.