A Trusted
Steam Specialist

OPC & Energy

Within the industrial facilities, steam engineering services benefit businesses in a variety of different ways.

In the last few years, global economic growth has resulted in rising energy consumption along with an increased demand for oil and gas derivatives. At the same time, there is a growing need for high-quality equipment such as valves.

As a manufacturer of high-quality valves, ARI-Armaturen products offer globally active plant manufacturers (EPCs) and operators an interesting range of products for steam, condensate, gas and process applications in these areas. Reyco Sales is proud to be a channel partner with ARI-Armaturen.

OPC plants with thousands of steam traps will always benefit in energy savings from Steam Trap Surveys where the cost of the audit is easily compensated by the savings that typically provide rapid paybacks. A Steam System Assessment can identify energy savings opportunities and improve process efficiencies.


Did You Know?
Recover Heat from Boiler Blowdown

Heat can be recovered from boiler blowdown by using a heat exchanger to preheat boiler makeup water. Any boiler with continuous blowdown exceeding 5% of the steam rate is a good candidate for the introduction of blowdown waste heat recovery. Larger energy savings occur with high-pressure boilers. Blowdown waste heat can be recovered with a heat exchanger, a flash tank, or flash tank in combination with a heat exchanger.


Success Story
Pressure Powered Pump Extends life of Heat Exchanger in Amine Reboiler at McMahon Gas Processing Plant

Spectra Energy's BC Pipeline and BC Field Services businesses are an integral part of B.C.'s natural gas midstream industry, strategically located to connect vast supply with growing demand. The McMahon plant is the first natural gas facility constructed in BC. It has a processing capacity of 810 MMcf/d with recovery of up to 98% sulfur.