A Trusted
Steam Specialist

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Did You Know?
Flash High-Pressure Condensate to Regenerate Low-Pressure Steam

Low-pressure process steam requirements are usually met by throttling high-pressure steam, but a portion of the process requirements can be achieved at low cost by flashing high-pressure condensate. Flashing is particularly attractive when it is not economically feasible to return the high-pressure condensate to the boiler. Location, and matching availability to use are determining factors for success.

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Client Testimonial

I have worked with Andrew for a number of years on many successful steam heating and condensate recovery projects in the Fraser Health Authority. I have found him to be an excellent resource on steam systems and he is always willing to share his knowledge. He presented a full day seminar on steam topics to our operating engineers which was well received. Andrew has participated in many BC CHES Trade Shows and has also been a guest speaker. I would not hesitate to recommend Andrew to help you with any of your steam system requirements.