A Trusted
Steam Specialist

Success Story

Precision Equipment Improves Air Handling Unit

Correct Steam Traps & Pressure Power Pumps Keeps the OR AHU Running at Royal Columbian Hospital.

The Royal Columbian Hospital is the oldest hospital in the Canadian province of British Columbia and one of the busiest in the Fraser Health Authority. Royal Columbian Hospital is a major tertiary care facility known for trauma care, neurosurgery, and open-heart surgery.

The operating rooms require 100% make up air and a project to upgrade the air system with a new energy efficient one was undertaken with a new rooftop AHU installed. Problems arose on the shoulder seasons with the freeze stats shutting down the air handler under certain outside air conditions. A call was made to Andrew Reynolds to investigate and provide a solution. Upon investigation two major issues were discovered. The steam coil selection was correctly chosen to be freeze proof tube with a tube design, however the 1 ¼” tubes as per the performance data were actually constructed as 5/8” tubes. Secondly, the condensate would backup in the tubes due to lack of vacuum breakers, undersized steam traps and back pressure on the condensate system.

The solution was to replace the freeze proof tube with the correct size, install vacuum breakers, correctly size the steam traps and have a steam powered condensate pump return condensate back to the boiler room.

The results are the AHU now runs under all load conditions and the freeze stats not locking out the system. Chris Nicol from Fraser Health reports the system is performing consistently and reliably.


Did You Know?
Consider Installing a Condensing Economizer

Boilers equipped with condensing economizers can have an overall efficiency that exceeds 90%. A condensing economizer can increase overall heat recovery and steam system efficiency by up to 10% by reducing the flue gas temperature below its dew point and improves the effectiveness of waste heat recovery and fall under 2 categories. An indirect contact condensing economizer removes heat from hot flue gases by passing them through one or more shell-and-tube or tubular heat exchangers. A direct contact condensing economiz­er consists of a vapor-conditioning chamber followed by a countercurrent spray chamber. In the spray chamber, the cool liquid come into direct contact with the hot flue gas, providing a non-fouling heat transfer surface

About Us

Client Testimonial

I have worked with Andrew for a number of years on many successful steam heating and condensate recovery projects in the Fraser Health Authority. I have found him to be an excellent resource on steam systems and he is always willing to share his knowledge. He presented a full day seminar on steam topics to our operating engineers which was well received. Andrew has participated in many BC CHES Trade Shows and has also been a guest speaker. I would not hesitate to recommend Andrew to help you with any of your steam system requirements.